Fonor CRM Integration allows you to seamlessly integrate your CRM ticketing system with Fonor, a powerful email management platform. This documentation provides the necessary details to set up the integration and utilize Fonor's features for efficient email processing.
1. Login to your CRM ticketing system.
2. Create a new Zap (automated workflow) within Zapier platform.
3. Set the trigger event as "New Ticket."
1. Select the event "Process Email"
2. Provide relevant details and parameters required by Fonor in the action bar.
- Ensure to include the API key in the action configuration.
"data": "Email processing initiated successfully. YourTicket ID: ticket_id. Your Message ID: msg_id",
"message": "SUCCESS"
1. Login to
2. You can see the processed email in the live mode
3. Once the email has been processed with Fonor, utilizing its features such as re-write and generatives, you have the option to click on "send." This action triggers the email to be sent to a webhook endpoint for further processing.